Check out the U-Nite youtube channel! Listen to your favorite Good News Club songs, hear awesome Bible stories, and watch exciting missionary stories come to life on your screen. Subscribe today for this awesome content!
@goodnewskids on tik tok
On our Tik Tok channel we post daily videos on all things Good News Club related! We post funny videos, serious videos, and everything in between. Follow along in your Every Day with God devotional book for bonus content!

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If you don't have TikTok, be sure to follow us on Instagram! We repost our TikToKs there, and even sometimes do a little bit extra!
Do you have big questions?
Both this short booklet and video begin to answer questions that are on everyone’s minds: Why do so many bad things happen in the world? Why did God allow this to happen? How can I get through this terrible time? To watch the full 8 minute video or read the digital copy of the booklet, click the link below.