Good News Clubs are our primary ministry for discipleship. These clubs happen in public elementary schools.
GNC provides ample opportunities to share the truth of Jesus with children in Omaha.
What are Good News Clubs?
Fun 90-minute Bible clubs that meet weekly during the school year. Each club session features snacks and prizes, games, songs, prayer, Bible lessons and memory verse activities.
Who teaches them?
Clubs are led by a team of individuals who have received training from CEF, completed a background check and care about helping kids know Jesus.
Where are they held?
In 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court voted to allow after school Good News Clubs to meet in public elementary schools. Currently more than 3,000 clubs are held nationwide.
How do I get involved?
Team members can serve through teaching, praying, providing snacks, and so many other ways. If you're interested in serving, we'd love to connect with you.
How can my church help?
The Good News Club program is designed to work in partnership with the local church. Many churches are already engaged in serving their community. We'd love to be able to equip you with everything you need to start a Gospel focused ministry in your local elementary school.